Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Baja adventures are coming ...

I've been to Mexico but not like this before! 

Kayaking around an island off the coast of Baja, Mexico for a week is my kind of travel. Nature, physicality, secluded beaches, wildlife, water play, sunshine and friends. Doesn't get any better than that, right? 

There are nine of us adventuring around the island. The group can hold up to 16 so there might be some additional like-minded travelers along for the ride. I love meeting new people and kinda hope it's a full trip. Part of travel, for me, is meeting folks from different backgrounds and places. Everyone had a story to tell and people are so very interesting. The amount of difference in the world is vast and when you get right down to it there is just as much similarity among us.

We are going to circumnavigate the island above, Isla Espíritu Santo, while camping along the way at pre-determined locations. This island is a nature preserve, so it's uninhabited and protected. We will gently be using the beaches as camp sites and the island with its pristine waters as our playground. You probably figured that there will be kayaking and lots of it. Each day we will rise and hit the water for two-four hours of paddling through the majestic waters to reach our next destination. There will be day hikes and strolls, the opportunity to swim with seals and other wildlife, fishing in the wee hours of daylight (if the want arises), and plenty of time to relax and enjoy our surroundings with each other. A few of the travelers in our party have done this trip before, years ago, so it's been nice to get their first hand account of the awesomeness this trip beholds.

It's not like we are roughing it either. The outfit we are going through, Kayak Baja, does most of the heavy lifting. They will be taking our camping supplies, food, and personal items along with them in their small boat that goes ahead of us kayakers to set up the next location's camp. We have to put up our own tent but meals and drinks are included and waiting for us upon arrival. Paddling, of course, is most of the trip but if your having a rocky day, you can lift your paddle into the air and hitch a ride on the boat. 

I'm looking forward to so many things about this trip; the natural beauty, laughter among friends, some splashing about and a place to really breath deep. Life is such a gift and I'm hoping to take it all in. I'm eager to practice yoga on the beach while listening to the waves of my breath and to just be truly grateful for the experience. I hope to connect with our fellow travelers and share life stories. 

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