I woke up the other day and came across this on the interweb. It spoke to me in a way I've been longing for, it reached out and touched my innards.
It reminded me of all the things I thought I knew way back when, all the things I had dreamed for, all the things I thought were important. It reminded me of all those things and then I remembered that most weren't what I was yearning for anyways but were ideas of what I thought I was suppose to be, of things I was suppose to accomplish and achieve.
We as people, me included, are so quick to say what we need, what we want, form ideas and opinions based on loosely spun information gathered from the outside world. We think we have all the answers or at least where to look for them. We look outward to the world, society, our peers for answers that can only come from looking within. We are so short sighted with our goals and dreams and solutions to the worlds problems, let alone our own, that we forget the questions.
I've never really been a patient person. It must have been my mothers favorite thing to say to me when I was young, "Patience is a virtue, Melissa." I was always so quick to remind her that it was my life and I'd live it how I wanted to regardless of who or what got hurt along the way. I thought I knew it all but looking back I had no clue what life was about.
I should have heeded her advice; taken things a little slower, appreciated all the nuances around me, been thankful for all the little things I was picking up along the way. I should have looked toward my future self with love and admiration, not unreasonable expectaions of a life lived to fit within the world's confines.
I'm reminded of all the good things in my life that I had to wait for. All the things I know now that I wouldn't do different and some that I probably would. I'm reminded of the educational process called Life; not right nor wrong just different for everybody. It might not be pretty all the time but it's beautiful when looking out from within. It isn't a test to pass or fail, it is an experiment to experiance, in all its wonder, in all its certainty.
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